Natural Supplements for Heart PVC Arrhythmia
Natural Supplements for Heart PVC Arrhythmia. This page follows my explanation of PVCs and my personal experience with this heart condition, as well as my experience with different cardiologist. On this page I write about the natural supplements which have helped me significantly:
I was already taking garlic supplements (the best quality you can find, more on this later) and Omega 3 (later on switched to Krill Oil, which is even better in my opinion). I had started small doses of Ubiquinol (a better absorbed version of Q10) many weeks before my ultra frequent, very strong PVCs started. So, I concluded that those supplements alone (though useful for other cardiovascular conditions and certainly for prevention) were not addressing the problem.
I was pretty desperate and, after my research, I decided to take all of the supplements which had evidence of effectiveness against PVCs (and in some cases even Angina – I started having mild Angina symptoms at the same time as I started suffering from ‘palpitations’).
The results were immediate (literally!). If I could go back, though, I would probably start with one and then add the others so that I could better determine which ones worked best in my case, since now I can’t really identify which of the following supplements are key to my improvement. However, it is also possible that all of them, combined, have improved my condition in a synergistic way. Lately I think I have idenfitied a new, more affordable way to combat these ‘extra heart beats’, still via natural supplements; more on this later. The original Natural Supplements for heart PVC arrhythmia that I took with some considerable success were:
D-Ribose, L-Arginine, L-Carnitine (more on this further down, given the latest news on this supplement and red meat consumption), Hawthorne, Passionflower, Magnesium, Taurine, B12, Ubiquinol, Garlic, Krill. I take all of these in pill form though, if you ever found skin patches, it would be better I think, though at present I don’t think they’re available. If you prefer powder-form supplements (which I regard as better absorbed than pill form), go ahead, but (because not all the above supplements are easily found in powder form) my page here explains dosages for pill and capsule-form supplements. Now, let’s go in detail about the supplements mentioned above:
– D-Ribose. I love this supplement. It completely transformed my lifestyle from being unable to even walk slowly (my PVCs would go through the roof and I would even suffer from mild angina symptoms) to being able to exercise mildly to moderately without significant problems (but please read my paragraph on exercise and the heart before you embark on any exercise program, since new evidence has just arisen putting into questions traditional beliefs on this matter). How does D-Ribose benefit your heart? Very simply put, it helps restore the energy levels of nerves and muscles (the heart is a muscle): in a ‘sick’ heart, evidence has shown that it often lacks ‘good quality’ ATP (adenosine tri-phospate) and it’s often unable to rebuilt ATP quickly enough to function normally. Since D-Ribose increases ATP production (and energy recovery), it’s now prescribed (in some European countries, for example), to help the heart recover from a heart attack or simply after strenuous exercise, stress or overwork (or lack of sleep). I found D-Ribose to be extremely useful in my case. The doses recommended vary depending on the level of heart ‘failure’ or arrhythmia: some say the higher the better but, with all supplements, I’d say the minimum dose which improves your condition is often best. Of course, ask your cardiologist (one who knows about natural supplements, because some are very ignorant in this area) before embarking on any natural supplement treatment. I find that D-Ribose mixed with Magnesium Citrate (some insist on Magnesium Orotate, but read part 2 on this matter because there are things you need to know when you buy magnesium) is even more effective.
– L-Arginine: working well with Taurine (see next), L-Arginine increases blood flow throughout the body by widening your blood vessels, but it also carries other great benefits, such as supporting normal blood pressure, stimulating growth hormone release (useful if you wish to lose weight), improving immune function, increasing muscle mass and so on. Stick to the recommended dose on the label (or ask your cardiologist if you can take more – I do, but it’s always good to ask).
Before I carry on, I wish to point out that lately there have been some media scares about L-Carnitine and its potential damaging effects on the arteries/veins (a small study on a few mice showed that it may stimulate plaque in conjuction to some gut bacteria linked to red meat consumption): I am not a red meat eater, so I don’t think I’m significantly affected by this ‘study’ even if it were correct; however, I will summarize some great articles on this matter (more recent than the ‘media scare’) so you can make up your own mind; for now you can click here and here to access them directly. Learn to ‘listen to your body’: PVCs are easily recognizable and you should know what works and what does not work, in conjunction of course with regular check ups to make sure there are not other cardiovascular problems.
– Magnesium is very important for heart health. Although you may appear ‘deficient’ in a regular blood test, you still may be so at cellular level, and this deficiency is more difficult to detect. Magnesium deficiency causes a number of conditions including depression, fatigue and PVCs. However, even if you are not deficient in magnesium, you may still need additional supplementation if you suffer from PVCs. I take it daily and – in conjuction with other supplements – I find it helpful. I found that my PVCs are eliminated by a combination of supplements rather than by one individual type (which I discuss more at length on this page). Having said this, natural supplements for heart PVC arrhythmia such as the ones discussed on my latest successes page may not include all of the supplements which seem to be beneficial to your entire cardio-vascular system.
Besides the above natural supplements for heart PVC arrhythmia, my most recent hearth rhythm supplements discoveries to take me to a place of regular, steady beats will, I think, provide very useful information to discuss with your naturopath or holistic cardiologist.
If you are interested in trying natural supplements for heart PVC arrhythmia, I need to add that I also found great relief in Reiki. It seems to truly regulate and heal my heart rhythm.
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What you Must Avoid when You Suffer from PVCs or Palpitations (or even Angina)