Heart PVC Supplements treating this type of Arrhythmia

HeaHeart PVC Supplementsrt PVC Supplements (a very key ingredient is listed further down, so keep reading!). This page follows our main page on PVC Natural Supplements and my page on my PVC story; here I continue the list of supplements which have helped me very much against PVCs:  

 Magnesium (part 2).  There are many types of magnesium and, if you go to a ‘bad’ supplements store, they may steer you in the wrong directions because they have superficial knoweldge.  I recently went into a local supplements store in Vancouver British Columbia (I usually buy my supplements online from 2 excellent suppliers in the United States, but I was in Vancouver and I ran out) and they were adamant that Magnesium Oratate was ‘the only magnesium choice’ for heart conditions; of course, it was the most expensive (37 dollars for a small bottle!), but I reluctantly bought it anyway thinking that I may try it to see the difference.


Well, I noticed no difference whatsoever from my regular (and excellent) Magnesium Citrate (better if mixed with D-Ribose).  Moreover, after researching Magnesium Orotate, I found out that it may carry potential risks (directly linked to the orotic acid element) with long-term, high-dose consumption:  so, why pay more and suffer potential risks in the long-term?

If you want to read the specifics, one of the better written articles on this specific subject is on consumerlab.com – I’ve tried to link it so, by clicking on the underlined words, you should access that specific article but… Don’t forget to come back here and read more on Heart PVC Supplements.

Very useful against PVCs (again, as part of the combination I’m listing here); it acts as a vasodilator (it opens up your veins, basically put, thus rendering blood circulation easier), as inotropic (it helps the contraction of your heart muscle) and beta-blocker (blocking the action that parts of the nervous system have on the heart, reducing stress on the heart).  As with most other heart-supplements, if you are taking pharmaceuticals to treat your heart condition, you will need to discuss natural supplements with your cardiologist.  Some cardiologists are completely unaware of natural supplements and their effectiveness, so find a cardiologist who is knowledgeable and adopts a holistic approach to health.  As I mentioned already, I opted out of all pharmaceuticals, but this was my choice after extensive research.  You need to find the approach which is best for you, hopefully with the help of a knowledgeable cardiologist.

 Cordyceps and Resveratrol have, ultimately been the most effective against my Premature Ventricular Contraction. The former contains some Adenosine (the amount varies from brand to brand, so find the one with the highest amount – I buy the Kos product (google search Kos Cordyceps 400mg) because it has 0,2% Adenosine (anything less is not effective for me), but I think they only deliver to European destinations.  Resveratrol, on the other hand, which I take as anti-oxidant, has the wonderful side-effect of increasing Adenosine in one’s body (or at least of making Adenosine more effective).  The 2 combined worked wonders for me; I have to tell you that these days sometimes I only take Resveratrol and it seems to work.  These are working so well these days for me that I can even drink tea again, including green tea!  Having said this, even though I have decreased my intake of other Heart PVC Supplements, I still use those who still benefit my cardio-vascular system overall (see part 1 for details).

What to Avoid if you suffer from PVC or Heart Palpitations  

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