Remove Acne Scars Naturally or at least fade them

Remove Acne Scars Naturally. Remove Acne Scars NaturallyYou don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune on commercial products to eliminate or at least fade acne scarring. Here are some natural ways you can try:

Olive Oil (for acne scars) and Jojoba Oil (for acne scars and stretchmarks).  The first section will be about olive oil to fade acne scars and the second about Jojoba Oil.

How to Use Olive Oil to Fade Acne Scars  (Remove Acne Scars Naturally with Olive Oil)

1 – See the ingredients checklist below with the right quantities.  Place the extra virgin olive oil and the lemon juice in a bowl and stir them together.  Leave the mixture in the bowl.

2 – Cleanse your face with an oil-free product; dry your face a little (don’t leave it too dry); wash your hands, dry them and dip your fingers into the already prepared olive oil/lemon juice mixture and apply it onto the affected areas, massaging into the skin, focusing on the spots where the acne scars are.  Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse it all off with lukewarm water.  Point 1 and 2 are to be done anytime during the day, avoiding the application of make-up straight away (leave the skin to breathe for a while).

  • Before bedtime: repeat the above 2 steps but, in this case, don’t rinse the mixture off your skin but rather leave it on all night long and of course rinse it on in the morning. Night-time applications are vital because it is at night that the skin repairs itself the most (indeed, the whole of your body).

Do the above daily, be patient since the skin needs time to heal itself.  Don’t expect overnight miracle results, but keep doing it every day.

♦ An alternative method is to add baking soda to the mixture in the bowl (see the amounts indicated below), with or without the lemon juice.  The mixture will become a facial paste which will function as a natural facial scrub to apply and leave for one minute, to be rinsed off in lukewarm water.  This ‘facial scrub’ method to fade acne scars is to be repeated about 3 times a week.


  • 1/4 tsp. olive oil – better if extra virgin
  • 1/8 tsp. lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. baking soda
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil

How to Use Jojoba Oil to fade Acne Scars and Stretchmarks (Remove Acne Scars Naturally with Jojoba Oil)

Jojoba oil has many benefits and some of them make it very useful for the treatment of both acne scars and stretch marks.

It is derived from the jojoba plant, which produces a golden, liquid wax-like ‘oil’, used externally to treat a number of skin conditions such as acne and acne scars, psoriasis, eczema, sun burn, wrinkles, stretch marks and even arthritis.  All skin types can use it although individuals who suffer from sensitive skin or skin which often shows allergic reactions to a number of products should consult their doctor before trying it or at least to a small ‘test’ on a small area to see if their skin reacts.

Jojoba oil has the property to soothe and moisturize the skin as well as to restore the skin to a healthier pH balance.  This helps the skin repair itself from ‘traumas’ such as acne scarring and stretchmarks.

When you buy Jojoba Oil, read the instructions and apply it onto the skin as directed.  It may be used by itself or it may be the main ingredients of a general moisturizing or healing cream.

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