Arthritis Symptoms & What is Arthritis?
Arthritis symptoms described easily and how to test if you have it (and what you can do about a natural cure). Simplistically put, arthritis is a disease of the joints (finger joints, knees, elbows, wrists and so on, but it can also affect part of your spine); it can occur in one or multiple joints. The most common symptoms are joint pain and stiffness (ultimately resulting in limited mobility). The most common forms of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, where the joints become inflamed with a series of other symptoms.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms. R.A is essentially an inflammation of the joint tissue, triggered by your auto-immune system attacking itself (very simplistically put). In many cases Rheumatoid Arthritis tends to be bad at waking and may get slightly better throughout the day.
Osteo-arthritis symptoms; it affects the cartilage of one or more joints, in a degenerative manner, and it tends to get worse throughout the day.
How do Diagnose Arthritis
An X-Ray is the best way to properly diagnose Arthritis. Once you know which form you suffer from, you will need to start thinking of what to do in order to avoid the degenerative effects of arthritis and, of course, in order to remove any pain and resume a full, active life.
When one reads the word ‘degenerative’ one panics. I did! But do not panic. Do not fill your head with images of disability. Arthritis can be treated by a series of methods very effectively, unlike common beliefs. When I decided to do something about it I knew I wasn’t interested in treating only the symptom, namely the pain my case the pain and some lack of mobility); I was interested in something much less superficial: I wanted a cure, or the closest thing to it. What worked for me was homeopathy. I strongly suggest that you try it at the outset or at any stages of the disease.
Natural remedies for Arthritis. Natural remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Could you be suffering from Reactive Arthritis?